23 May to 25 May, 2014 | Lavasa
Jehangir’s passion for yoga started with Sunday morning classes with Guruji BKS Iyengar, when he was seven years old. His home atmosphere was suffused with a spiritual, as well as yogic base, as both his parents were inclined to the same. In India, where little children are placed on par with Krishna, the mischievous God, his relationship with his Guru was playful and full of fun, but grew intense and meaningful as he became older.
Exposed to Guruji’s dynamic and precise teaching, to his mother’s spiritual and aspirational style of teaching asanas and pranayama, and his father’s sense of perfection, Jehangir found all these diverse aspects expressing themselves in his own teaching.
Becoming a husband and a father roused the gentle and compassionate aspect of his being, adding yet another dimension to his classes. Tempered by his experiences, his spiritual and philosophical quest, his explorations, and the life he leads, Jehangir’s teachings repeatedly lead the practitioner to experience, purify, and exult in the world within.
Driven by the urge to find the essential truth, and to experience it in the physical asanas, he has developed a series of sequences that thousands of people all over the world are practicing and benefiting from.
His classes will help you to strengthen your connection with your higher self and to cultivate a profound joy and peace that permeates your asana practice and eventually spills over into your daily life.
12.00 PM – Arrive at Ekaant
12.30 PM – 1.30 PM: Lunch
1.30 PM – 3.00 PM: Free time
3.00 PM – 4.15 PM: Lecture: All life is yoga
4.30 PM – 6.30 PM: Yoga session
7.00 PM – 8.00 PM: Dinner
8.30 PM – 9.15 PM: Lecture: Your Body Always Speaks the Truth
9.30 PM: Bedtime
6.30 AM – 8.00 AM: Yoga session
8.30 AM – 9.30 AM: Breakfast
10.00 AM – 11.30 AM: Lecture: The Mysteried of the Beej Mantra and the benefits of their use
11.30 AM – 12.30 PM: Free time
12.30 PM – 1.30 PM: Lunch
1.30 PM – 3.00 PM: Free time
3.00 PM – 4.15 PM: Lecture: Nature of nadis/medians and ways to channelise energy
4.30 PM – 6.30 PM: Yoga session
7.00 PM – 8.00 PM: Dinner
8.30 PM – 9.15 PM: Nutrition: Cures from your Kitchen
9.30 PM: Bedtime
6.30 AM – 8.00 AM: Yoga session
8.30 AM – 9.30 AM: Breakfast
10.00 AM – 11.30 AM: Lecture: All life is yoga
11.30 AM – 12.30 PM: Break
12.30 PM – 1.30 PM: Lunch
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