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Retreats - Anahata Retreat


Anahata Retreats was founded with the principal aim of bringing spirituality and wellness on a platform that was at once authentic, pure to its traditions and healing in an environment that was safe, eclectic and luxurious.

At Anahata, we put in utmost effort in ensuring that our venues match up to the highest standards of safety, comfort, luxury and hospitality.

Combined with this emphasis on the perfect setting is our choice of presenters and gurus who are only but the best in their respective fields. We have successfully organised retreats with the world’s best teachers like Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, Gurunam Singh, Deepika Mehta, Jehangir Palkhivala amongst others.

As we expand our wings, we look to broadening our horizons and hosting retreats in countries like Mexico, Russia, Indonesia, Thailand and The Czech Republic.

We strive to serve our participants with an ever broadening bouquet of offerings with eclectic teachers in exotic locations around the world.


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