I never planned or
worried about my
I was too busy living
in the present..
If you KNOW IT..
that you will find what you’re
looking for
If you know that you DESERVE IT..
I swear to you
that the magic you have been
waiting for WILL HAPPEN..
The UNIVERSE has its own timings..
The more you ‘fit in’ with
The less you will ‘fit in’ with
When you are a Buddha,
Jesus & awakened one,
you become a threat to
politicians & religious heads
who thrive purely on people’s
We think that we are
horses galloping towards
the finish line
In reality…
We are ants trained by
religion and society to
walk in a straight line
Feeding into ‘The Matrix’
Let’s raise children who can
name plants & animals
Not brands & celebrities
Children that love
themselves & nature as one
not identify their happiness
with fame and fortune
Happiness is not about getting
all that you want
Happiness is about
enjoying all that you
already have.
The deeper the faith and belief
you have in your Guru, the more he
is going to be able to protect you,
guide you & grant you your wishes
& desires
This is not because he is magical,
divine or powerful
It is your own faith that makes this
magic happen every time
All you need to do is work hard on
finding that pure, enlightened and
compassionate soul that you can
absolutely trust
Diamonds are only formed under
Grapes have to be CRUSHED to
make wine
Seeds grow into trees when
they’re buried in DARKNESS
If you’re living under PRESSURE
feeling CRUSHED or in DARKNESS
FORGIVENESS is the perfect
It sets you free
It brings you peace in your
heart, joy to your soul &
God in your life
Forgiveness frees you from
your past makes you see life
in it’s divine perfection
Whatever you deserve,
is coming your way..
KARMA is the best
bank manager in the world
The more honest, pure &
enlightened you are…
Less people will appreciate you
The more dishonest, untrue &
stupid you are…
The more people will feel
comfortable in your presence and
embrace you
This phenomenon is called
How great do you feel when
you wake up from a
nightmare realizing that it
was just a dream that you, in
your sleep thought was real?
When you achieve
enlightenment, it’s the same
You realise that it was only
an illusion, a nightmare &
that you’re going to be fine
now. You’re taken care of..
The sooner you realise that
success, fame & adulation is
your ‘Golden Cage’ & wake up
from your ‘sleep’, the sooner
you’ll find Bliss, Peace & Joy
in your life…
There is a voice that
whispers in your ears
all of the decisions you
should make, the path
you should choose, the
relationships that you
must cherish
Listen to that voice
It is the voice of your
guardian angels
The advice that this
voice gives you is better
than that given to you
by your parents, family
and friends
It’s called INTUITION
Surrender to this voice
I can only plant the seeds
It’s up to you to flower or not
Never try to be ORDINARY
KNOW that you will be GREAT
Be very careful about who you hurt
You don’t know which Gods and Angels are guarding them
You can’t leave a toxic and painful relationship
if you don’t heal what attracted you to them,
you will meet again and again and again
The same demon in a different person
Healers are neither Gods nor Magicians
Their unique gift is to be able to trigger within you,
your own unique ability to heal yourself
Never hate anyone
The good people love you and make you happy
The worst ones teach you a lesson
The best ones give you memories
The only reality in life is loving, learning and caring
Everything else is a waste of time
and keeps taking you further and
further away from your own truth.
Your body stores all of your emotions If you bury your pain, grief, sorrow, stress and anxiety in your body then you're using your body like a coffin Should you decide to heal your soul.. Your body turns into a reservoir of cosmic light Wherever you go you spread love, light and joy Don't use your body like a coffin Go back to being the divine being that you always were Humme Hum Brahm hum
Both, God's creation and this world are perfect as they are Suffering and pain is a consequence of ignorance, arrogance and a weak mind
Everyone goes through pain Hearts that are scarred the most are the strongest Hearts that have forgiven, forgotten and healed are the most beautiful Remember... In the very act of loving, lies your own healing
There exists no perfect man nor a perfect woman It's how much ever you work on yourself that makes you deserving of being in a situation in which you have healed so beautifully that you attract your perfect soulmate
Problems, stress and difficulties are our best teachers Remember.. Without pain, anxiety and suffering there would be no learning, growth or evolution
Not so long into the future will people realise It was never about wealth, power and success Life is far more meaningful and beautiful than that
Liberation is the day you realise how inconsequential you are It sets you free to do less important things that are actually more important
There’s profound maturity and wisdom in allowing the child in you to remain alive
Difference between religion and spirituality.. In spirituality there is no right or wrong. Everything that you do or wish to do is part of your journey. For the enlightened, every desire, action and the consequence thereof is a part of his journey to learn, experience and grow. Religion puts your soul in chains while spirituality sets you free.
In your spiritual journey a few pure, joyous souls will see your radiance & love you for it but those who are unhappy and miserable will loathe your bliss and use every opportunity presented to them to bring you down. The higher your state of evolution, the more nastiness you will attract There are no exceptions to this rule.
The principle difference between ‘normal’ people and enlightened souls is that the former know what they want, know what they have to do and are constantly ‘trying’ to become happy. Enlightened souls simply follow their intuition, want nothing, do nothing except what that moment demands of them and are in a constant space of bliss.
Sit on the donkey & they brand you as cruel, Walk next to the donkey, they laugh at you. Carry the donkey on your head & they call you a lunatic. And we spend our entire lives trying to ‘conform’ to society & be a part of this circus.
Criminals and criminality is the response to everything that’s wrong with our society. 1% of this worlds population own more than half of global wealth, a new billionaire every 2 days, while the poor become poorer and unemployment increases by the hour. This flagrant inequality is what is wrong with our society and criminals and criminality is the result of it.
In life, I personally don’t see any point beyond learning more, traveling more, sharing more and loving more. Everything else is a filler.
Know more so that you may fear less
Waste not your life looking for a perfect spouse seek one who accepts you with your own imperfections
I’m a simple, ordinary man I dare to dream to change this world
Stop telling me what is wrong with this world Tell me what YOU are doing about it
It's good to have a fighting spirit but sometimes you need to just sit back & watch the problem. Don't need to fight every battle to win it.
I live inside a dance Everything is exactly as how it should be
Being spiritual does not mean being positive and in bliss all the time. Being spiritual is to be authentic. Spirituality is about finding your true nature, recognising your flaws and shortcomings, knowing what needs working on and then working towards that goal of self purification. And if in between all of that you feel like saying fuck it. Then just say fuck it.
A teachers job is never an easy one. Nobody really wants to hear the truth. Neither about the true essence of life nor about themselves. And yet, an authentic teacher does what he has to, says what he has to. Teaching is not a popularity contest. The endeavour is to help save souls and lead as many as you can towards the light.
Everything in life is energy. We are constantly absorbing energies that flow around us and we are constantly emanating energies from our own self that flow into the universe and generate vibrations. Now we have a choice. We can choose to absorb only those energies that are positive, loving and beautiful and we can choose to send out vibrations that are full of positivity, love and divinity. Remember, whatever the vibrations you give out in the universe eventually find their way back at you.
“There are three types of temples in this world. The first temple is your body, the second is your home and the third temple is the one where you go to pray and make your connection with God and Divinity. Respect, take care of and cherish each one of these three temples. They hold the keys to your health, happiness and prosperity.”
The fool chooses success and material gain as a goal, The intelligent one chooses happiness, The sensible one chooses self realisation and inner peace. The wise one seeks Nirvana, Samadhi and Unison with the Divine. And yet the wisest one of all chooses to choose nothing. He knows that he just has to be, In the silence and the quiet, he will know, Know what he has to do, What needs to be done, For he is connected with his karmic vibration, That leads him on to the path that he must take. Shows him what he must see, Teaches him what he must learn, To be what he must become, and reach where he must go. The wisest of all don't choose a path, They follow the path that is in front of them, They only follow their intuition. The universe does the rest.
Every human being has three graphs in their lives. 1. Health Graph 2. Wealth Graph 3. Happiness Graph It is impossible that any single human being is blessed with these three graphs on an upward slant all their lives. No one can have a happy childhood, a happy youth and a happy old age. No one can be born rich and get richer for the rest of their lives. No one can be healthy when they were little and keep getting healthier till their death. A lot of suffering, sorrow and pain can be eliminated from our lives if we accept this universal truth. If we develop the capability to look at a calamity in the face and recognize it as a temporary blip in the graph and know it to be a passing phase, we generate the will power and strength to ride over the biggest of challenges and emerge victorious.
Of course, you cannot kick a block of wood. Kicking an inanimate object shows that you have the spite inside of your heart to be agitated, violent or spiteful. This is not good. The entire universe is energy. Everything in this world, including human beings are made up of billions of cells. Even the block of wood. It has a life of its own. The wise respect and care for everything around them. They are gentle and kind. They see life in everything.
You never step into the same river twice. The only thing that is constant in this life is change. Do not fight change. Accept it. Embrace it. Those who fear change, fear their own failings. The good take on life chins up and fearless, bright, shining eyes.
Live your life like a feather. Be light. Be free. Free to fly wherever the winds of life take you. Free to live an adventure. Free to live in tune with the cosmic vibrations of love and harmony. Let the feather be your truth.
I don’t decide what happens in my life. I allow my life happen to happen to itself.
We all go through pain in our lives It is our reaction to our pain that defines us Gives our soul it’s unique character We could fight crisis & bemoan suffering We could curse our plight & ache in the sorrow. Or We can take the punch chin-up, Accept Challenge the situation and charge ahead Knowing that there’s light at the end of the tunnel Seeing it Believing it Manifesting it Making it happen Who we are is what we become in times of suffering In the shadow of that suffering we find our true identity In the cry of that pain we realise our own divinity For those who choose not to rise above For those who choose to remain lost in the tunnel There can be no hope No salvation Because pain and suffering are the only steps offered to us that we may climb to reach the pinnacle of spiritual growth and Bliss and Happiness and Freedom
This universe of ours, our earth and everything in it has the same pulse, the same beat and the same vibration. When we are born, we are in sync with this divine energy. The further you move away from this pulse the more disoriented, unhappy & disconnected you feel. Which is why spirituality is like coming back home. It is your re-alignment with your own divinity. The re-setting of your energy with the energy of the cosmos. Meditation - is the one important key to re-connect with this pulse. Nature - is the second key. Love & Compassion - is the third. Use these keys freely & at will for abundance in your life. Abundant love, abundant joy, abundant happiness. Bliss follows.
The Complicit Observer There are three layers of attachment in this world The worst and the most common layers are our emotions of greed, anger, lust, grief and jealousy. The second layer of attachment is our love for the material. Our luxuries, owned or coveted. The third and the lightest layer of attachment is the love and affection that we have for those we cherish our parents, our spouses, lovers, friends and children. These attachments keep us attached to the problems, pain and suffering of being human. The worse the layer of attachment you’re trapped in, the worse your suffering. When you cut yourself off all of these attachments you become ethereal, divine, sublime & aligned to the cosmic vibrations of the universe. You cut your soul free from the pain and suffering of life itself. You set yourself free to travel the universe, the heavens and other realms unknown to mankind. The most difficult attachment to let go of is the love of a child. As also the love of a spouse. To let go is not to stop loving. To let go is not to shun, ignore or to forsake. Letting go is just simply becoming the observer. Loving and watching the love, Caring and watching the caring. Feeling and feeling the feeling. Touching and being aware of the touch. All actions have the same depth, the same love and the same emotion, but all are watched, observed and felt as the observer. This is the only way.
You can spend your entire life chasing happiness or you could live your whole life - Happily
The beauty of life is not in searching for that beauty but in being beautiful yourself
Spirituality is rebellion Spirituality is individuality While religion keeps you bleating like a sheep Spirituality makes you roar like a Lion
Bliss in love and intimacy arrives not in just loving each other it is experienced only when there is total and absolute surrender to that relationship
Pain is a constant No soul can live a life without experiencing pain, physical and emotional It is your reaction to that pain that defines you, your life and your future. The wise grow spiritually, the intelligent learn and the lost souls allow themselves to drown in their suffering.
Manifest your destination and allow the universe to get you there. Your intuition and goodness delivers to you the abundance and happiness that you desire. Don't live in this cosmos; dance with it.
Maya keeps us trapped in her enchanted gaze our entire lives. With closed eyes, within the silence of our soul we see clearly, that we already have more than we desire, that we are better than what we wish to be,and that our lives have a higher purpose than we thought.
Pain is a constant in life. It is our reaction to pain is what defines us and shapes the course of our lives.
The difference between religion and spirituality. In spirituality there is no right or wrong. Everything that you do or wish to do is part of your journey. For the enlightened, every desire, action and the consequence thereof is a part of his journey to learn, experience and grow. Religion puts your soul in chains while spirituality sets you free.
The principle difference between ‘normal’ people and enlightened souls is that the former know what they want, know what they have to do and are constantly ‘trying’ to become happy. Enlightened souls simply follow their intuition, want nothing, do nothing except what that moment demands of them and are in a constant space of bliss. Sat Nam
Don’t speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke.
Your body doesn’t know the difference.
Words are energy and cast spells,
that’s why it’s called spelling.
Change the way you speak about yourself
and you can change your life.
what you’re not changing,
you’re also choosing.
If you are sad, be sad
If you are in revengeful mood, take your revenge
If you are jealous, be jealous;
If you are angry, be angry
Never avoid the fact that you have to live that feeling
That it is a part of life’s progress, growth & evolution
Those who avoid, remain immature
If you want to remain immature, then go on avoiding,
but remember.
you are avoiding life itself
“If you love yourself, you love others
If you hate yourself, you hate others
because in relationship with others,
the other is nothing but a mirror”
“Falling in love you remain a child; rising in love you mature.
By and by love becomes not a relationship, it becomes a state of your being.
Not that you are in love – now you are love.”
Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem,
first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.”
The universe is not outside of you.
Look inside yourself;
everything that you want, you already are.
Stop acting so small.
You are the universe in ecstatic motion”
“Be like melting snow
Wash yourself of yourself”
You are the honoured guest.
Stop begging like a beggar
for pieces of the world.
In the very act of seeking the sought is denied, because the sought is the seeker.
Well, what one seeks basically happens to be the self.”