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Anahata Retreats | Kundalini Yoga Retreats Worldwide | Luxury Transformative Wellness | Bijay J. Anand

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Building a community of like-minded individuals who dream of living a spiritual, joyous and blisful life and would like to make this world a better place to live in


  • Retreats


    A retreat with Bijay is an intense immersion in Mindfulness, Ayurveda, Spirituality and the healing power of Kundalini Yoga. Our retreats are designed to offer a safe, secure and comfortable environment in eclectic and carefully curated venues that are conducive to healing, learning and re-connectiing with our true nature also known as our Buddha-self.

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  • Workshops


    Bijay's workshops are short and highly effective Masterclasses that deal with issues like Stress and Anxiety, Ayurveda, Nature Cure, Spirituality of Leadership and Spirituality of Sex: Philosophy of the Kamasutra just to name a few. These workshops are a combination of Kundalini Yoga Kriyas, Mudras and Mantras and are a great opportunity to align yourself with the ancient wisdoms, thoughts and ideas that can change your life forever.

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  • Corporate Training

    Corporate Training

    Our Corporate Training Programs have been designed by Internationally renowned Kundalini Yoga guru, Mr. Bijay J. Anand specifically for corporates who are looking to build a work environment that is stress-free and full of health, vigour and vitality. The principal philosophy behind these programs is the application of spirituality as a medium to enhance our leadership qualities, marketing capabilities, team building skills, developing intuition and stress management.

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A visual kaleidoscope of Anahata wisdom and experiences


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