Anahata Retreats Loader

Acro Yoga with Pau Castellsagu’e & Helena Giron

12 November to 13 November, 2014 | Mumbai

The workshop

Anahata welcomes you to experience a day of spiritual bliss, self-discovery and inner peace. Explore the wonderful, fun and amazing art of AcroYoga for a better understanding of your body, its limitless capabilities as well as an immersion course for a beginner.

Pau Castellgue

As an Acroyoga teacher Pau’s main target is to bring the spirit of Yoga into every corner and through all layers of society. Pau currently lives in Barcelona but spends most of his time travelling around the globe. Since 2011, together with his brother Wari and his sister Isis, they organise Barcelona Yoga Conference and the Indian Yoga Festival.

Helena Giron

The love for movement has always been a part of Helena’s life in the form of gymnastic, rock-climbing, dance. She took her first Yoga class in Paris in Gerard Arnaud’s studio, the practice resonated in her from the beginning. The search began….but not in Paris….She packed her bag and left for a two and a half years journey through India and South East Asia open to new experiences, ideas, adventures and …..chill!

UHopping from one ashram to another, trying different styles of Yoga. She finally ended up in Mysore practicing Ashtanga. After a few months, she met Vinay Kumar, a very inspiring and humble teacher and started practicing “ PranaVashya Yoga” with him. She fully dedicated herself to this practice for 7 months. This completely changed her approach to Yoga, deepened her practice and reflected in so many other aspects of her life.

While travelling in Thailand, she met a few Acro Yogis playing in the park, they gave her her first flight and she immediately fell in love with Acro Yoga. Everything she loved as there: connecting with people, laughing, playfulness, challenge….and it also opened new doors to healing arts. That was it! She found what she had been searching for. After meeting so many inspiring people, she felt it was time for her to share this empowering practice with many more people and transmit this joy that Acro Yoga practice gives…..

Date: Wednesday, 12 November Time: 7.15 pm

Venue: Yoga 101, Cottage #101, Aram Nagar 2, J P Mehta Road, Versova


Date: Thursday, 13 November Time: 7.00 pm

Venue: The Retreat House, Mount Mary Road, Bandra West

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