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Covid-19: Is this mankind’s final opportunity to RESET?

Bijay J Anand | April 06, 2020

Covid-19: Is this mankind’s final opportunity to RESET?

The Coronavirus pandemic has changed the world in ways we never imagined it could had.

Or maybe, deep down inside, we always knew what this world could spiral down to if we were to continue down the path of environmental degradation and spiritual ignorance.

Is it not then possible that this pandemic is a karmic repercussion of our own Karmas wherein we allowed ourselves to be so obsessed with our ego, greed and decadence that now it is time for us to suffer for our arrogance and ignorance?

According to me, what the Coronavirus situation and all the future apocalyptic events are going to be doing is simply allowing mankind to hit the RESET button.

Now, more than ever, we need to stop looking at the world through our 'pleasure-senses' and see our planet and the souls around us from our hearts.

This is the time to introspect and realize that we were never human doings. We are and always were meant to be human beings. All we needed to do was just to be. Be alive and receptive to all the beauty and peace that nature has naturally blessed us with.

Instead of turning into beasts that would ravage, loot and plunder our natural resources and cause irreparable harm to mother earth, we needed to just allow her to nurture us and soak in her warm embrace.

The fact about viruses is that in any disease, either the virus kills the host, or the host defeats the virus.

On this planet, we are the virus and Mother Earth is the host. Who do you think is going to win this war?

Rather than look at the pandemic from a negative perspective and loathe its presence and what it is doing to our economy and our people, we need to use it as an opportunity to create a shift in our consciousness.

We need to step out of Plato’s cave from the bewitching allure of Maya and come back into the warm sunshine that has been waiting for us for a long time now.

We begin by first taking care and detoxifying our body. It would be a definitive and our most important step because only a healthy body can be a fertile host to a healthy and sattvic mind.

With a healthy mind and body, it will become that much more easier than to find God. Not in the temple, church, mosque or gurudwara. With clarity of the mind, we will be able to see clearly that the God we've been searching for in these institutions, resides within all of us. As us. We are the Gods that we'd been searching for our entire lives.

One of my most favorite quotes and is from the only person who I can only use the word my 'Guru' even though I have only ever seen him twice in my entire life. His name is Swami Dayanand Saraswati, and this is his quote,

""In the very act of seeking the sought is denied, because the sought is the seeker.

How? Well, what one seeks basically happens to be the self."

Let us please not waste this opportunity to learn these important lessons we're meant to learn from it because, the next lessons are going to be harder and tougher, and we may just not be able to survive them.

Love to all, light to all and peace to all,

Sat Nam

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