Bijay J Anand | March 27, 2020
We all know what makes the plastic surgery a thriving and prosperous business.
Anything to do with enhancing looks in any way, be it dental cosmetology, breast implants and beauty salons. There seems to be an almost manic obsession with wanting to look prettier, younger and sexier by both men and women.
The funny thing about self-worth and appreciation is that those living in countries where there is dark complexion will do anything and go to any lengths to lighten their skin. Even for men there are lotions and creams that promise a lighter and fairer skin.
On the other side of the stupidity spectrum are the white-complexion people who would do anything to get a tanned look and generally describe hot men as 'tall-dark-handsome'.
When one stops living in the 'Matrix' and chooses to follow a spiritual path, one learns to look within and spends his time in enhancing inner beauty.
In such a situation, there is no longer a dependence upon the reaction, appreciation and conformity of society and people around us in making us feel better about ourselves and our lives.
As we progress further along the spiritual path, we see that the God we were seeking in the temples and churches was living within us all along. We see the God within us clearly and also the God and Godliness in everything around us.
At this time, the pretences, masks, superficiality, ego, pride and insecurities drop.
And when this happens, we inadvertently start to glow and become radiant. There is a beautiful aura around such realised beings.
Most of us have a dread and anxiety about ageing and growing old.
I turned 50 yesterday and I think that my entire life was just a preparation for the beginning of my new life which began yesterday as I turned 50. I am embracing my age with open arms.
As a model and an actor I had grown up from an early age with extreme attention from the opposite sex. There was this girl once who got so excited upon seeing me walking on the road that she lost sense of the fact that she was driving and crashed her car in the one parked on the signal ahead of her. Luckily, nobody got hurt.
As an older man with a white beard and age showing wherever it does, I obviously don't receive that kind of attention anymore. And so what?
Problem is that there are many who crave for admiration and appreciation from others to make themselves feel good about themselves.
Such people are always and forever in a state of deep unhappiness and misery.
When you accept and appreciate what you are blessed with, what you have, where you are and everything that is good about your life, you radiate with gratitude and in the pyramid of spirituality, gratitude is the highest emotional vibration. Even higher than love.
If we choose today to live our lives loving ourselves and working towards detoxifying our souls, healing our auras and balancing our chakras, we automatically become calmer, more at peace with our lives and less insecure about our looks and how much we are appreciated.
We become true reflections of God himself and the Godliness that shines inside of us.
Sat Nam
Bijay J. Anand | April 06, 20
The Coronavirus pandemic has changed the world in ways we never imagined it could had.
Bijay J. Anand | September 12, 19
In texts written thousands of years ago that are found in Indian philosophy, there is very clear and defined mention of Kalyug.
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As a teacher, I have an alarming number of young students who are joining my classes or are being referred to me with acute depression and in some cases, suicidal tendencies.